Midway Chapter 16
P.O. Box 1774, Salina, Kansas 67402-1774
OFFICERS: President – Fred Fanning 785-201-7824; Vice President – Gary Keil 785-822-4131; Secretary - Bill Vinyard 785-787-0655; Treasurer: - Roger Thull 785-827-7981; Chaplain – Moses Stewart 785-827-5956
COMMENT: We hope all of you and your family are safe and well, as 2020 is coming to an end. WOW, what an unbelievable 12 months. It has been a challenge for everyone, but you have never faltered in your commitment to our chapter. Your officers want you to know how deeply we appreciate your support and charity. HOPE is alive because of the development of COVID-19 vaccines to fight against the Pandemic. The FDA will consider emergency approval requests on December 10. After a vaccine is approved, the first vaccinations can occur—a brighter future in 2021. We wish you and your family a happy and safe Merry Christmas.
BIRTHDAYS IN DECEMBER: Charles Carmin, Lothar Maaser, and Fred Fanning.
REST HOME/SICK/RECUPERATING: William Long in Pinnacle Park, Room 211, 2936 Georgia Ave, Roger Thull, Nelson Newell, and Dorothy Armster.
MEMBERSHIP: This year, quite a few of our members died. May they rest in peace, and God bless their family. Our membership total is now at 47 members. We need your support and hope you will continue to renew your TREA membership. Again, we thank you.
FINANCIAL REPORT: As of this newsletter publishing, our checkbook balance is $1425.61. Two expenditures are due $588 for storage rental and $92 for a Post Office mailbox. Free Will Donations are appreciated; make your check payable to TREA Chapter 16 and mail it to the address on this newsletter.
VA PLANS FOR DELIVER COVID-19 VACCINE. V.A., nationwide, is planning on how to deliver a COVID-19 vaccine when one becomes available. They are working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to develop a phased plan based on five core ethical pillars: safety, maximizing the vaccine's benefit, equity, fairness, and transparency. Veteran and employee safety remain the number one priority of the V.A. The plan considers several risk factors, including risks of acquiring infection, severe illness, death if infected, and transmitting the disease and the threat to essential workers, including health care personnel, offering the vaccine first to health care personnel Veterans. Initially, the supplies may be limited. Based on these risk factors, the V.A. will offer the vaccine on a priority basis to high-risk health care personnel (HCP), as they are essential in continuing to care for patients throughout the Pandemic. As more vaccines become available, the V.A. will offer the vaccine to Veterans at high risk. V.A.'s most important goal is to provide vaccination to all Veterans and employees who want the immunization. For more information, visit
REMINDER: TRICARE Open Season and FEDVIP Enrollment Change/Choices Open Season Ends December 14. You must make your choices before December 14. If you're eligible for dental or vision coverage through the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP), don't miss your chance to enroll in or change your FEDVIP dental and vision plan. Not sure where to start? At BENEFEDS.COM or Call 1-877-888-3337, you can check your eligibility, explore strategies, enroll in a program, and more. If you have no changes, you do not need to do anything.
FOUR VETERANS BILLS SIGNED INTO LAW: (1) Landmark Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Bill S.785, Hannon Act PL 116-171 October 17, 2020. (2) National Suicide Hotline Designation Act of 2020, S. 2661, P.L. 116-172 October 17, 2020, (3) Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living (COLA) Adjustment Act of 2020 H.R. 6168, and (4) Vet Center Eligibility Expansion Act H.R. 1812, P.L. 116-176 October 20, 2020. TREA continues always to lobby Congress to address the severe challenges many veterans and service members face.
CHRISTMAS QUOTE: "My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?" – Bob Hope