Midway Chapter 16
P.O. Box 1774, Salina, Kansas 67402-1774
OFFICERS: President – Fred Fanning 785-201-7824; Vice President – Gary Keil 785-822-4131; Secretary - Bill Vinyard 785-787-0655; Treasurer: - Roger Thull 827-7981; Chaplain – Moses Stewart 785-827-5956
COMMENT: On August 27, 2020, Hurricane Laura struck Louisiana and hit the area near Sulphur, LA. Ron and Betty Brown, members of our chapter, lived in Sulphur, LA. We have heard from them, and we are so thankful that they left town before the hurricane made land. The storm destroyed their house. They stayed with Betty's daughter for six weeks in Pottsboro, TX. But found they could buy a place for the same as rent and purchased a nicely priced home. Pottsboro is a small community with everything they need. The town does not even have a stoplight, just a couple of signs. Both are hoping this is next to the last move. The last being home to God. Their new address is Ron & Betty Brown, P.O. Box 1961, Pottsboro, TX 75076. Let us all keep them both in our prayers. Also, please write or call them. HAPPY VETERANS AND THANKSGIVING DAY!
BYLAWS: The COVID-19 Pandemic has hampered our chapter and opened our eyes that we needed to add to our bylaws, specifically operating under unforeseen emergency/disaster conditions. The new additions give more authorities to the President and officers for the best interest of the chapter. Not only must we move forward, but at times think out of the box. We submitted the updated bylaws to the TREA headquarters for review.
FINANCIAL REPORT: We spent $16.50 on stamps, received $14 for Newsletter, and a $20 freewill donation. That brings the checkbook balance to $1387.10. We thank those you who donated. Two upcoming significant expenditures are $588 in December for storage and $92 for a Post Office mailbox. We received from Joe Fekas a Christmas Dinner donation request. If you disagreed with donating, let us know.
BIRTHDAY IN NOVEMBER: Daniel Renard, Mark Schwaller, and Shirley Wagner.
OFFICERS ELECTION: In 2019, we elected the Secretary and Vice-President positions for one year. They are up for reelection. Secretary Bill Vinyard and Vice-President Gary Keil agreed to stay on for two more years. If you are interested in filling one of these positions, please, let President Fanning know by calling 785-201-7824 or email fredefanning@gmail.
REST HOME/SICK/RECUPERATING: William Long in Pinnacle Park, Room 211, 2936 Georgia Ave, Roger Thull, Nelson Newell, and Dorothy Armster.
2021 OPEN SEASON: TRICARE open season and Federal Benefits Open Season begins November 9 and ends December 14, 2020. TRICARE applies to anyone enrolled in or eligible for TRICARE Prime, including the U.S. Family Health Plan (USFHP), TRICARE Select, visit You can cancel or make changes to your current Health, Federal Dental, and Vision plan coverage during this period. If currently enrolled in FEDVIP need no changes, you do not do anything. However, for changes or cancellations, contact BENEFEDS at www.BENEFEDS.comor call 1-877-888-3337.
2020 FORT RILEY RETIREE APPRECIATION DAY (RAD) ALTERATION: Fort Riley's annual retiree appreciation event will be an online event, beginning in November 2020. This virtual RAD will be available to view on the Fort Riley Retirement Services Office Facebook page after November 5, 2020. Videos and contact information during 2020 and 2021. Organizations will offer essential information for retirees.
VICTORY FOR TREA: Seriously disabled veterans who were wounded or became ill before September 11, 2001, as well as for their family caregivers. Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie provided the certification of V.A.'s new information technology system for its caregiver support program, meaning that veterans from World War II, the Korean and Vietnam war eras with severe injuries or illnesses occurred on or before May 7, 1975. They are now eligible for the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC), effective October 1, 2020. A second expansion phase-currently expected to begin two years after this initial expansion-will cover veterans whose injuries or illnesses occurred between May 8, 1975, and September 10, 2001.
THANKSGIVING QUOTE: "Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year because it reminds us to give thanks and to count our blessings. Suddenly, so many things become so little when we realize how blessed and lucky we are". - Joyce Giraud