ISSUE: 10 October 2020
OFFICERS: President – Fred Fanning 785-201-7824; Vice President – Gary Keil 785-822-4131; Secretary - Bill Vinyard 785-787-0655; Treasurer: - Roger Thull 827-7981; Chaplain – Moses Stewart 785-827-5956
COMMENT: We hope everyone keeps safe and healthy. We have spent the summer dealing with a global health crisis. Fall is here, and now we must prepare for winter, but cannot let down our guard. We thank all of you so much for your incredible support of chapter 16 during this chaotic time.
TAPS: - James E. Price, Air Force retiree, died September 21, 2020. He was so energetically involved in the DAV organization, dedicated to helping veterans, military organizations such as DAV, VFW, and the Salina community. All will deeply miss him. Extend your thoughts and prayers to his wife, Ellen, and family.
CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP: Total number of members 47. New member Alicia Perry (B. Vinyard daughter), Army Veteran who served in Desert Storm. If you have a son, daughter, or relative who is a veteran, sign them up. Perhaps for a birthday or Christmas gift, give them a membership. Also, your spouse is eligible for a TREA membership….make it a family affair.
CHAPTER NEWSLETTER: Please let me (editor Bill Vinyard) know if you have valuable information you would like printed in our chapter newsletter. Please send it to me at or call at 785-787-0655. Your involvement is appreciated.
REST HOME/SICK/RECUPERATING: William Long in Pinnacle Park, Room 211, 2936 Georgia Ave, Roger Thull, and Dorothy Armster. Keep these individuals in your thoughts and prayers.
BIRTHDAY IN OCTOBER: Happy Birthday to Dorothy Armster and James Jones.
FINANCIAL REPORT: We spent $16.50 on stamps, $30.00 one free membership, and received $137.00 Free Will Donations. $1424.61 is in our checking account. We thank those you who donated. Two upcoming significant expenditures are $588.00 in December for storage and $88.00 for a Post Office mailbox.
FLU SHOTS: The SENIOR FLU vaccine provides more robust flu protection for people 65 or older. It helps strengthen your body’s immune response against the flu, so ask for the Senior Flu Shot. The Salina VA clinic gives the regular flu shot by appointment. Hopefully, soon the clinic will receive over 65 serum. Local Pharmacies such as Key Rexall, Dillons, Walgreens, etc. have both flu vaccines. Medicare should cover the shot cost. VA Salina Clinic 1-785-826-1580.
SALINE COUNTY ELECTION VOTING INFORMATION: October 8,9,13, 2020 Late Night Voter Registration (5 PM – 8 PM); October 14, 2020, Begin Mailing Advance Ballots By Mail; October 19, 2020, In-Office Advance Voting Begins; October 27, 2020, Last day to apply for an Advance Ballot by Mail; October 31, 2020, Advance Voting in Office 9 AM – 4 PM, November 2, 2020, Advance Voting in Office ends at Noon; November 3, 2020, GENERAL ELECTION DAY (Polls open 7 AM – 7 PM). More information is available at or telephone call 309-5820.
HALLOWEEN QUOTE: “Halloween is the only time people can become what they want to be without getting fired.”
― Sylvester Stallone
ELECTION QUOTE: “Elections belong to the people.” Abraham Lincoln