
Chapter 16 is proud to be an affiliate of TREA for five decades (since 1970) and the ONLY TREA Chapter in Kansas. Chapter 16's mission and membership categories are the same as the National TREA. Our Chapter does not charge dues but is self-funded "FREE WILL DONATIONS." Currently, we have 47 members comprised of all armed forces veterans and their spouses and rely on our membership's donations, fundraiser events, and support on membership renewals. A monthly newsletter is published. 

Our monthly membership meetings are held the second Friday of each month on the second-floor board room of the Saline County Senior Center at 1:00 PM, 245 N 9th Street, Salina, Kansas. If you are not a chapter member and a Veteran or spouse of a Veteran and attend one of our meetings, we will pay for your lunch. And we have a Guest speaker and gift drawing at our meeting. 

Chapter 16 needs more members to join, especially those that have served in Iraq or Afghanistan, to help us fight for our promised benefits on Capitol Hill.




    The VA Podcasts Network offers a diverse selection of top-quality podcasts made with a Veteran community in mind. CLICK HERE

  • Operation Helping Heros


    TREA Members,

    We are proud to announce that three TREA-backed Resolutions were passed by the United States Senate this month!

    On September 21st, S.Res 208 was agreed to by the U.S. Senate, which officially established November 12th as "National Warrior Call Day." The Resolution recognizes the importance of connecting servicemembers and veterans to the support structures that are necessary to transition from the battlefield, especially peer-to-peer connection, focusing on mental health and well-being.

    On September 19th, S.Res 238 was agreed to by the U.S. Senate, which officially established September 20th as "National Service Dog Day." The Resolution recognizes the life-saving impact Service Dogs have on military servicemembers and veterans in the United States, especially those suffering from the invisible wounds of war.

    On September 18th, S.Res 348 was agreed to by the U.S. Senate, which officially designated the week of September 24th - September 30th as "Gold Star Families Remembrance Week." service members recognizes the sacrifices of fallen servicemembers and the Gold Star military families who will never be forgotten.

    May we forever reflect and celebrate these special days in support of our military 
    servicemembers, veterans, and their fa