December 2017 Newsletter

  Issue: 12                                                    Month: December 2017

  • President - Richard Trow 785-577-3442; Vice President – William Whitman; 785-488-2814; Treasurer – Vacant; Recording Secretary - William Vinyard 785-787-0655; Chaplain – Moses Stewart 785-827-5956


  • Meal at the SSC:  Tuna & noodles or Pina Colada chicken with rice pilaf, peas & carrots, dump cake, wheat bread
  • PRESIDENT’s COMMENTs:   Thank you for your faith in me as you elected to retain me for an additional two years. Thank you for retaining the best officers to help in serving this great Chapter.  In addition to this, you have elected Shirley Wagner as Treasurer; an excellent choice. The Treasurer position requires a very special person with talent to serve. Shirley will make an outstanding Treasurer. As for Moses, Duane, and Vickie if they so choose to remain will gladly be retained. We will all work towards building our chapter. We have lost Virginia Whitman along with Robert Maxey. They will be missed, and we pray that the good Lord will continue to bless the families. A review of our budget shows that we did an excellent job in 2017 and with a slight adjustment; the 2018 budget will be great. I look forward to 2018 budget discussion. I wish all of you Happy Holidays.


  • TAPS: Robert Maxey (USA, E-8) a life member of TREA and a recipient of many Purple Hearts passed away on November 19, 2017, Eugene, Or.    He will be buried in the Arlington National Military Cemetery, Arlington, VA.  Please keep his wife Ardene and the Maxey family members in your thoughts and prayers.


  • NURSING HOME:  Taft Yates Sr., (Bethany home) and William Long (Pinnacle Park)
  • BIRTHDAYS DECEMBER: – Charles Carmin (USM); Lothar Maaser (USA); Andrew Peele (USAF).
  • SOME WINTER WEATHER TIPS: Stay indoors during the storm, walk carefully on snowy and icy walkways, avoid overexertion when shoveling snow (going at it too hard can bring on a heart attack − a major cause of death in the winter), winter car and home furnace maintenance; change the batteries in fire and carbon monoxide alarms.
  • MERRY CHRISTMAS: Our annual Christmas Get Together will be Dec 8th, 12:00pm.  The Chapter will pay for all attending members and spouses’ lunch. We hope you will join us in celebrating the holidays.
  • SUNSET PARK WAR MEMORIAL: On Nov 28th, three veterans had a very productive meeting with the City of Salina Director of Parks and Recreation and Maintenance of Parks and Recreations about reestablishing the sale of inscribed Veteran bricks in the Sunset Park War Memorial.  More will be forthcoming at our chapter December meeting.
  • NOVEMBER MEETING TIBITS: Attendance drawing – Rachel Fikes won a $20 gift certificate. New 2018 Chapter Officers are:  President - Richard Trow; Vice President – William Whitman; Treasurer – Shirley Wagner; Recording Secretary – William Vinyard. They were voted in unanimously.  The members voted to donate $25 to the Salvation Army.  President R. Trow advised members will be working on the 2018 chapter budget. Secretary B. Vinyard gave the Treasurer report with an ending checking account balance of 1614.32  
  • TREA: WASHINGTON UPDATE 11/20/17:   Sources: Administration looking to Merge TRICARE and VA Choice Programs – Word got out that the White House has been discussing a plan to merge aspects of the Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration (VHA) and the military health systems.  The plan which seems to be in preliminary stages of discussion has not been shared with Congress or veteran service organizations. VSOs demand to see more details of what is sure to be an incredibly complicated plan.  Clearly, the idea is an effort to trim billions in federal medical bills.  The devil is always in the details.
  • LATEST UPDATE ON MILITARY PAY RAISE: House and Senate negotiators have backed a 2.4 percent military pay raise for fiscal 2018, topping President Donald Trump's recommendation of 2.1 percent. The differences between the congressional 2.4 percent pay raise proposal and the administration's 2.1 percent recommendation will have to be worked out before Dec. 8, when a Continuing Resolution to keep the government running at 2017 levels expires. (Source
  • CHRISTMAS QUOTE:   The spirit of Christmas is the spirit of love and of generosity and of goodness. It illuminates the picture window of the soul, and we look out upon the world's busy life and become more interested in people than in things.