Midway Chapter 16
P.O. Box 1774, Salina, Kansas 67402-1774
June 2022 Issue: 6
OFFICERS: President – Gary Keil 785-822-4131; Vice President – Jason Bathon; 785-577-1659; Secretary - Bill Vinyard 785-827-8394; Treasurer - Roger Thull 785-827-7981; Chaplain – Moses Stewart 785-827-5956;
Sergeant of Arms – Bill Quinley.
LOCATION/MEETING DATES: Saline County Senior Center, Boardroom, June 10, July 8, August 12, September 9, October 14, November 18, and December 9.
MEAL: Cheese ravioli with tomato chicken cream sauce or cheeseburger soup, buttered peas, and tropical fruit.
SECRETARY'S COMMENT: Since 2009, our chapter has made it a standard rule to have a guest speaker at our monthly membership meetings and awarded the speaker with a Certificate of Appreciation (COA). The result is approximately 132 guest speakers and COAs, thus leading to many visible chapter COAs in Saline County. If you know someone you like to be a guest speaker, please invite them and let us know.
SCAMS: On a daily bases, scams and frauds continue to occur; we must beware and stay alert. For instance, a Best Buy Greek Squad recently scammed a Salinan out of $60,000. Chapter Vice President Jason Bathon will brief us regarding computer/home/telephone security, viruses, malware, and scams at our June meeting.
WELLNESS: Dorothy Armster, Shirley Wagner, and James Jones. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
BIRTHDAYS IN JUNE: Ronald Brown and Betty Brown, Ella Gier, Johnny Hull, and William Merkle.
RECRUITMENT: On May 27, our chapter had a recruiting table at the Salina Senior Center Health Fair event that included a free one-year TREA membership giveaway. As a chapter member, you have the option to offer a deserving Veteran a free membership per our Bylaws. We will select a free membership winner at our June meeting.
TIDBITS OF MAY MEETING: The attendance drawing $20 gift card winner was Roger Thull. Mary Ann Tanking, Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), chaplain for Salina's Mary Wade Strother chapter. She talked about the history of DAR, the Salina chapter, membership requirements, contributors to the American Revolution War, and why she joined DAR. She received a chapter 16 Certificate of Appreciation. After two expenditures, Treasurer Roger Thull gave the monthly financial report, a remaining checking account balance of $1803.99.
SUMMER SAFETY TIPS: Learn CPR, change your smoke alarm batteries, remember your mask, swim smart, wear daily sunscreen, stay hydrated, prepare an emergency weather kit, be a defensive driver, boat safely, and don't ignore thunder (thunder roars, go indoors), exercise with caution outdoors, and cook food the same day for a picnic.
JUNE DAYS OF INTEREST: June 6 - D-Day Allied Invasion of Europe; June 14 - Flag Day and US Army Birthday; June 19 - Father's Day became a National holiday; June 22 - Pledge of Allegiance Recognized by Congress; June 23 - the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Birthday; June 25 - Korean War Begins; June 27 - PTSD Awareness Day; June 28 - Operation Red Wings Observance; June 30 – Post-9/11 GI Bill signed into law.
FATHER'S DAY QUOTE: "A dad has arms to lift high, a heart to love, shoulders to support, a smile to reassure, a hand of blessing to send you out into the world, a warm embrace to welcome you back home." —Keely Chace