2024NEWSLETTERMidway Chapter 16P.O. Box 1774, Salina, Kansas 67402-1774June 2024 Issue: 6OFFICERS: President – Gary Keil 785-822-4131; Vice President – Ronald Sondergard; 785-819-5527; Secretary - BillVinyard 785-827-8394; Treasurer - Roger Thull 785-827-7981; Chaplain – Moses Stewart 785-827-5956; Sergeant ofArmsWilliam QuinleyLOCATION/MEETING DATES: Saline County Senior Center, Boardroom, June 14, July 12, August 9, September 13,October 11, November 8, and December 13.MEAL: BBQ pulled pork, mac-n-cheese, baked beans, sliced pears, and bun.JUNE IS NATIONAL POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER WARENESS MONTH.SECRETARY REMARKS: June is our anniversary of FIFTY-FOUR YEARS of being an affiliate of TREA: The EnlistedAssociation. For decades, being a member since 1998, I have worked with many Chapter Presidents, Vice Presidents,Treasurers, and Chaplains and witnessed our membership decline from 200 to a present total of 43. We must bethankful that our chapter has endured.I want to recognize and thank Janet Vanderbilt (CPA) for volunteering to take care of the chapter's tax form 990-N.WELLNESS: Rachel Holt Fikes, Richard Trow, and Shirley Wagner. Keep them in your thoughts and pray for theirhealth.BIRTHDAYS IN JUNE: Ronald Brown and Betty Brown. We wish you well and happiness on your birthday andthroughout the year. In today's world, surviving to reach a senior age (55 and older) is an accomplishment. That iswhy a birthday is noteworthy. Please let us know if we forgot to mention your birthday month.RECRUITMENT: The membership total stayed the same at 43. In May, we had two recruiting efforts with drawings forone-year FREE membership: May 11, Central Mall Military and Veteran's Appreciation Day, and May 31, Salina SeniorCenter Health Fair. Thank you to Roger Thull and Moses Stewart for staffing the recruiting table. We must continueto seek recruitment opportunities to ensure our chapter's existence.NEWSLETTER: The annual Newsletter fee of $14.00 (for postage) is due by July 31, 2024, if you prefer to receive amonthly Chapter Newsletter via the Postal Service. Please mail it to the above address. If you have an email address,you will receive a monthly Newsletter free of charge. Your support is appreciated. Hence, the Monthly Newsletter ison the Chapter Website, www.midwaychapter16.org.MAY MEETING TIDBITS: Ronald Sondergard was the attendance drawing winner of a $20 gift card. Treasurer RogerThull reported the financial status for May 2024, which included one expense and one deposit, with a checkingaccount balance of $4429.24. The membership discussed the November 8 Veterans Appreciation Dinner/Auctionfundraiser. Again, the primary concern is the lack of volunteers for specific tasks in preparation for the fundraiser. Afew people can't do it all; a fundraiser event takes a team effort. All members agreed that the caterer for the dinnershould be Hickory Hut.RETIREES, CIVILIANS, WANT TO LIVE IN BASE HOUSING? Yes, You Can! Living in base housing isn't just for active-dutymilitary personnel. Retirees, civilians, and other eligible individuals can also take advantage of the benefits thatcome with moving onto a military base. Here's what you need to know about making this housing option a reality.Specifically, the general public can live in "privatized military housing."Can Civilians Live on Base?As part of the base housing privatization process legislated by Public Law 104-106, the Defense Department saysthat, when the number of vacant homes on any base rises above a certain level, the contractor can rent them toanyone it likes. The program is available on only some bases. Check with your local housing office for details. (SourceMilitary.com/05/30/24)FATHER'S DAY QUOTE: "The power of a dad in a child's life is unmatched." —Justin Ricklefs