Midway Chapter 16
P.O. Box 1774, Salina, Kansas 67402-1774 Issue: 3 March 2021
OFFICERS: President – Fred Fanning 785-201-7824; Vice President – Gary Keil; 785-822-4131; Secretary -Bill Vinyard 785-787-0655; Treasurer: - Roger Thull 785-827-7981; Chaplain – Moses Stewart 785-827-5956
PRESIDENT'S REMARKS: Hello everyone. I hope you are staying safe and healthy. As we move forward in this pandemic, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Some of you probably have gotten your COVID vaccines; others might be scheduled. Still, others have probably had COVID-19 and are in the immunity period. I want to start meeting again as a chapter. However, I don't want you to meet if you have any concerns. Let's start meeting at Bayard's on Fridays at 12:00 noon, to begin with. I am still calling members to see where we are as a chapter. From there, we can make plans to have our monthly meetings at the Senior Center. For now, join us for lunch if you can. My wife and I will be at Bayard's each Friday at noon for lunch, a snack, or just a coffee or tea.
I look forward to seeing you all again.
Fred Fanning
GET WELL WISHES: Roger Thull, Nelson Newell, and Dorothy Armster. Please continue to pray for their well-being and safety.
FINANCIAL REPORT: One expenditure of $16.50 on stamps. Received a Free Will Donation of $25.00 and $15.00 for Newsletter; leaves a checkbook balance of $997.11. Free Will Money Donations will be greatly appreciated. Please make your check payable to TREA Chapter 16 and mail it to the above address on this Newsletter.
BELATED FEBRUARY BIRTHDAY: Happy birthday to Vickie Guillot, who does a superb job managing the chapter 16 website for us.
ARMY & AIR FORCE EXCHANGE SERVICE: The Exchange plans to open its first chiropractic offices in 2021, providing new and convenient healthcare services to the military community. The Exchange plans on expanding this service throughout CONUS over the next few years, offering the same services across all locations to ensure continuity of care as military families PCS to recent locations.
KUDOs TO THE SALINA VA CLINIC: On February 13, 2021, the Salina VA Clinic gave the Covid-19 Vaccination. They had received a total of 200 Doses. If the V.A. Clinic had put your name on the vaccine list, they called (a week ahead of time) you for your appointment and sent a notification letter. In my experience (B. Vinyard) at the Salina VA clinic, they performed the vaccination professionally and timely. Hence if you have not received the COVID-19 shot, get on the list.
Overall, the USA's V.A. clinics and hospitals have now administered more COVID-19 vaccine shots than 42 U.S. States.
(source e-mail 2-15-21)
SOCIAL SECURITY SCAMS: The Social Security Administration and the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) have once again joined forces to raise public awareness about Social Security imposter scams during the second annual 'Slam the Scam' Day on March 4. Social Security scams in which fraudsters mislead victims into making cash or gift card payments to fix purported Social Security number problems or avoid arrest - are the #1 type of government imposter fraud reported to the Federal Trade Commission and Social Security.
For more information, visit
SAINT PATRICK'S DAY QUOTE: Never iron a four-leaf clover because you do not want to press your luck.