March 2017



              Midway Chapter 16, P.O. Box 1774                     

 Salina, Kansas 67402-1774 (

                                       Issue: 3     Year: March 2017 


Officers: President – Richard Trow 785-577-3442; Vice President – William Whitman; 785-488-2814; Treasurer: - Vickie Guillot;

Secretary - Bill Vinyard 785-787-0655; Chaplain - Moses Stewart 785-827-5956

 2017 MEETING DATES:   Salina Senior Center AT 1:00pm – March 10, April 14, May 12, June 9. July 14, August 11,

MEAL: Fried Chicken or Fried Fish, mashed potatoes & gravy, corn, cake, and dinner roll


PRESIDENT’s COMMENTs: It was very pleasing to notice in the TREA February issue of Voice magazine, pictures of the chapter visit to the AME Chapel Church in November. After a bit of a decline in chapter funds, our funds have improved. I wish to extend a big thank you to all the members who attend our meetings and continue to make of “Free Will Donations." At this point, we must continue to be watchful of chapter dollars and meet our planned monthly income objectives.   If you have not had a chance to visit our website ( vast improvements were made to it. I feel that it has finally made great advancements under the directions of Vickie Guillot.  In 4 months, it will be a year that our website has been up and running.  Nevertheless, we will reassess the significance of having a website, checked the total number of people visiting our website, and discuss this issue at our meetings. Throughout the year, the chapter officers and members will continue to grow, use forward-thinking, valid decision making, have effective meetings with well-planned agendas, and develop new membership recruitment techniques. Have a great St. Patrick Day! Thank You – President Richard Trow.


COLDS AND FLU: The sporadic changes in weather (temperatures warm, hot, and cold) have resulted in increased cases of bad colds and flu. If you are suffering from a cold or the flu, it is best you stay at home and rest and don’t spread it to others.  Of the utmost importance, see a doctor for treatment.


GUEST SPEAKER:  Jason Tiller, Director Saline County Health Department. He is an Army retiree (SFC), Medical Specialist Corp.


FREE KC BASEBALL TICKETS: Attend our March membership meeting to enter a drawing to win four KC Royal’s baseball tickets.


 MARCH BIRTHDAYS:  Miles Hiyane, Donald Lear, Larry Perea, and Clarence Schneider. If your birthday is not listed, let us know so we can include you the next time.


DEVOTIONS FOR:  In Rest Home - Virginia Whitman and Taft Yates Sr.


STAY INFORMED:  If you have internet access and want to know about pending   legislation visit the TREA website or sign up for TREA Voice Weekly and TREA Washington Updated e-mails. The TREA e-mails will give you the in-and-outs of what Congress is working on, and the issues that our TREA representatives are advocating for in Washington. The e-mails' contents are very detailed.  For those of you, who do not have internet access, we provide copies of some of the TREA e-mails at our monthly meetings.


PENDING BILLS: Bills that Congress is studying that are of great concerns to TREA, Veterans, Retirees, and Surviving Spouses: H.R. 303 Retired Pay Restoration Act; H.R. 333 Disabled Veterans Tax Termination Act; S. 66 Retired Pay Restoration Act; H.R. 846 Military Surviving Spouses Equity Act; S. 339 Military Widow's Tax Elimination Act of 2017; H.R. 299 Blue Water Vietnam Veterans Act of 2017. Contact your members of Congress and urge them to support these important pieces of legislation.


CHAPTER HISTORY: We are contemplating on preparing an album of all present and past chapter members.  Our chapter has been an affiliate of TREA for 47 years; now is time for us to put together a history of our chapter.  Member M. Stewart has an album with chapter pictures, but we need to include more pictures. This will require all members to send us a picture of themselves and any pictures of past members. Send photos by U.S. mail to the above address on this Newsletter, e-mail it to, or bring pictures to our meeting.  Your assistance is greatly appreciated.



Foundation offers multiple scholarships to children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of TREA members in good standing (deceased or otherwise). Each applicant will be required to write a 300-word essay on the following topic: "What is your opinion on term limits for the House of Representatives and Senate?" Applications must be postmarked NLT April 30, 2017. For more information go to:  Scholarship applications will be available at our March meeting.


FEBRUARY MEETING TIBITS: We had 19 people in attendance.  Speakers were Jennifer Cantrell, Marketing Director Bethany Home and Andrea Johnson, Human Resources Director Bethany Home, Lindsborg, KS. They spoke about the history of Bethany, Long-Term Care, Assisted Living, Independent Living, and the availability of different types of living facilities. They invited members to tour the Bethany Home complex since it is a certify VA facility. President Trow presented the two individuals with a Chapter Certificate of Appreciation. Bill Whitman won a $20 gift card.


EXERCISE:  The Salina Senior Center has exercise classes’ Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10:00am to 11:00am, for $3.00 a month.




ST PATRICK DAY POEM: -May You Always Have...enough luck to make you smile, enough trials to keep you strong, enough of all life's treasures to keep you truly happy.



                                                     UNITED WE STAND