MAY 2024



 Midway Chapter 16                                   

                  P.O. Box 1774, Salina, Kansas 67402-1774

         May 2024                            Issue: 5                             

OFFICERS:  President – Gary Keil 785-822-4131; Vice President – Ronald Sondergard; 785-819-5527; Secretary - Bill Vinyard 785-827-8394; Treasurer - Roger Thull 785-827-7981; Chaplain – Moses Stewart 785-827-5956; Sergeant of Arms – Bill Quinley.

MEETING LOCATION: Salina Senior Center, Board Room on Second Floor, 245 N 9th St, Salina, KS 

MEETING TIME: 1:00 pm/ DATES:  May 10, June 14, July 12, August 9, September 13, October 11, November 8, and December 13.

MEAL: Chicken cordon bleu, baked roasted baby bakers, Antigua blend vegetable, jello cake, and dinner roll with butter




TAPS: Johnny Hull (Army Veteran) passed away on April 11, 2024, in Springs Hill, KS. He served in Vietnam. John was a dedicated Chapter member and stayed a member after he moved from Salina. Please keep Bonnie and her family in your reflections and prayers.

Memorial Service: Saturday, May 25, 2024, at 9:30 am, Salina Sacred Heart Cathedral 118 N. 9th St, and Celebration of Life from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm, Holiday Inn 3145 S. 9th St, Salina, KS.  


TAPS: Anthony J. Holt (Army Veteran), son of Chapter member Rachel Holt Fikes, passed away on April 18. Let us wish Rachel and her family peace and comfort in these difficult days.


BIRTHDAYS IN MAY - William Quinley, William Vinyard, Doug Randolph, and Fredrick Ramírez.

WELLNESS - Shirley Wagner and Rachel Holt Fikes. Keep thinking of them and praying for their health.  


APRIL MEETING TIDBITS: William Vinyard won the attendance drawing gift card. Bud Deghand (Army Veteran) rejoined the chapter—the newest member to join Christopher Deitering (Army SFC Retiree), Hays KS, recruited by Taft Yates. Treasurer Roger Thull reported two deposits and debits, leaving a checking balance of $4314.44. We approved a raffle (a chance to win a prize) for the NOVEMBER 8Veterans Dinner/Auction fundraiser.


SOME OF THE DAILY HOLIDAYS AND OBSERVANCES IN MAY:  May 1, Law Day; May 2, National Brothers and Sisters Day; May 4 International Firefighters Day; May 5, National Astronaut Day; May 6, Holocaust Day and National Nurses Day; May 7, National Nurses Appreciation Day; May 8, World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day;May 10, Military Spouse Appreciation Day; May 11, World Fair Trade Day; May 12, Mother's Day; May 17, World Hypertension Day; May 18, Armed Forces Day; May 20, National Rescue Dog Day; May 25, National Missing Children's Day; May 27, Memorial Day; May 28, World Hunger Day; May 29, National Senior Health and Fitness Day;  and May 30, National Multiple Sclerosis Day.

SUPPORT VETERANS/MILITARY EVENTS:  A Memorial Day ceremony is scheduled on Monday, May 27, 2024, at 11:00 am, at Sunset Park War Memorial in Salina. It is a day to honor and mourn the U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.


DO YOU QUALIFY A VETERAN PENSION? Many veterans of wartime service are entirely unaware of the fact that if they are 65 or older and on a limited income, they may qualify for a Department of Veterans Affairs pension without being disabled. You may qualify for a veteran pension if you are a wartime veteran with a limited income and can no longer work. Contact your nearest Kansas Veterans Commission Office, 1502 E. Ave, Salina, KS 785-823-2862 or


MEMORIAL DAY QUOTE: "Veterans are a symbol of what makes our nation great, and we must never forget all they have done to ensure our freedom."- Rodney Frelinghuysen


MOTHER'S DAY QUOTE: "Only mothers can think of the future ― because they give birth to it in their children."― Maxim Gorky