Midway Chapter 16
P.O. Box 1774, Salina, Kansas 67402-1774
October 2023 Issue: 10
OFFICERS: President – Gary Keil 785-822-4131; Vice President – Jason Bathon; 785-577-1659; Secretary - Bill Vinyard 785-827-8394; Treasurer - Roger Thull 785-827-7981; Chaplain – Moses Stewart 785-827-5956; Sergeant of Arms – Bill Quinley
MEETING LOCATION: Salina Senior Center, Board Room on Second Floor, 245 N 9th St, Salina, KS
MEETING TIME: 1:00 pm/ DATES: October 13, November 17, and December 8.
MEAL: Lemon peppered cod or chili, rice pilaf, green beans, and mandarin oranges
SECRETARY'S COLUMN: If we can't fill chapter officer positions----eventually, it will lead to the end of our existence as a chapter. Like us, some local veteran groups experience the same problems: recruiting new members, LOW attendees at meetings, and electing officers. Also, we have chapter members who fill office positions in other organizations.
Maybe we have too many monthly meetings? We can change it to one or two per quarter if it is. I reviewed the TREA National Bylaws and Standing Rules, which state chapters must have regular (KEYWORD)meetings. I spoke with the TREA National Office about required meetings; only one per quarter is sufficient. So, we have something for discussion in 2024. I asked that all you think about this issue. The survival of the chapter is on us. Have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
WELLNESS: Dorothy Armster, Shirley Wagner, and Rachel Holt Fikes. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
BIRTHDAY IN OCTOBER: Happy Birthday to Dorothy Armster. A BELATED SEPTEMBER HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Treasurer Roger Thull. If we fail to mention your birthday month, please let us know.
GUEST SPEAKERS: Jeff Walker, Manager of the Salina DAV Thrift Store, was the guest speaker for this month's meeting and has canceled and will be rescheduled. As of this Newsletter release, I am searching for an alternate speaker.
UPCOMING EVENTS: October 7, Fort Riley Retiree Appreciation Day for all military retirees and spouses (8:00 am to 1:00 pm at Riley's Community Center); October 20, KWU Veterans Recognition Ceremony has reached out to all Veteran Groups (RSVP) if you plan to attend as a Chapter 16 member letKay Quinn 785-833-4526 or contact me, November 11, Veteran's Day Fair, Central Mall.
TIDBITS OF SEPTEMBER MEETING: Treasurer Roger Thull gave the August 11 to September 8 financial report three expenses and two deposits, ending with a checking account balance of $4828.93. Deputies Christopher Winslow and Kevin Shankle of the Saline County Sheriff's Department, KS, were Guest Speakers. Some of the issues they spoke about were the completion date and benefits of the new Jail, new programs for detainees, drug problems, and vehicle patrols in Saline County. After their presentation, they answered questions. Officer Winslow received a Chapter Certificate of Appreciation (COA). Officer Kevin Shankle won the $20 gift card attendance drawing.
All chapter members and visitors attending our meetings are eligible for the drawing. The members suggested which local events we would participate in and sponsored fundraisers. We will revisit these issues during our 2024 budget process. Due to limited time, we will not have an annual Vet Dinner fundraiser. RichardTrow volunteered to be a Nomination Committee member for the 2024 election of chapter Officers.
RECRUITMENT: We must continue to seek opportunities to recruit new members where possible. We welcome new members Tracy Nettles (E-4 Army Vet) and Kelly Hall (E-5 Army Vet) aboard. We should share our Chapter Newsletter, website, and Facebook page prospective veteran members.
LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: Letter from TREA on Resolutions passed in September by the U.S. Senate.
VOTE (SALINE COUNTY GENERAL ELECTION): Your vote counts; DON'T forget the local city elections on Tuesday,
11/07/ 2023, 7 am – 7 pm.
HALLOWEEN QUOTE: "They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night." Edgar Allan Poe